14 Typical Excuses for not Wanting to Date Online

1. “It’s too cheap, cheesy and unconventional”
Truth Serum:
We live in a world which seems to be in super-hyper-drive and the traditional dating model doesn’t work anymore. Online dating is rapidly becoming the new conventional dating method. We predict that within a couple of years more than half of all people seeking relationships will be doing so online. Also a month’s subscription to the top sites costs about the same as a night out on town.
2. “Online dating is for liars, losers, lonely hearts and lusty old men.”
Truth Serum:
Stats prove it; the majority of online daters are professional sincere, and educated with above-average earnings. They are social, romantic and looking for a serious relationship. For them online dating is the easiest, most practical, time-saving way to meet like minded professionals. Ask around, chances are you already know someone who knows someone who has met their match online.
3. “I am afraid to meet strangers online, it’s not safe!”
Truth Serum:
(Hmm, meeting a complete stranger in a bar is?) Online dating is actually safer if you know dating techniques. You can check someone out, stay anonymous, meet in a public neutral location and do a background check before they even know your name.
4. ‘People lie and misrepresent themselves. You never know if they are who they say they are.”
Truth Serum:
Yes, and people lie in person too. If you know how to ask the right dating questions and do proper checks to veri1 information, your chances of uncovering deception are faster and easier online.
5. It’s too impersonal; you can’t really get to know somebody online.”
Truth Serum:
You can read between the lines of stories or poems and listen to songs that make you cry or laugh out loud. It’s amazing how much you can feel of someone’s heart and spirit in how they write. People often reveal much more online or on the phone with someone they’ve never met than they do face to face meeting for the first time.
6. “I could never do that, I’d be too embarrassed if someone found out.”
Truth Serum:
Profiles are anonymous. Besides, if someone you know happened to stumble across your profile and see you online, why would you be embarrassed? After all, they are surfing too, and are probably even subscribed to the same site.
7.” I’m social: I meet people all the time and have no trouble getting a date”.
Truth serum:
Ahh, yes congratulations. So why are you still single? Perhaps you’re not meeting the right kind of people. You could narrow your search for the ideal match online and stop wasting time with the wrong person who just happens to be there.
8. “The technology is too complicated. I’m not good with computers. I don’t have one at home.”
Truth Serum:
Dating sites make it easy. If you can send an email and click a button, you can e-date. More and more people who don’t even have computers at home are logging on with anonymous accounts from the office on their lunch breaks and after hours at internet cafés and local libraries.
9. “I don’t have time to date.”
Truth Serum:
Online dating is the only dating method that you can do on your schedule rather than someone else’s. You can do it in your spare time. Now wouldn’t it be nice to spend your spare time enjoying fun, like-minded company with someone you know is compatible?
To check who has viewed your profile, and read and answer your messages, you only need ten minutes once a day...unless of course you have hundreds of admirers chasing you.
10. “I’m not good at writing.”
Truth Serum:
If you can speak, you can write well enough.
11. “I’m social: I meet people all the time and have no trouble getting a date.”
Truth Serum:
Ahh, yes, congratulations. So, why are you still single? Perhaps you’re not meeting the right kind of people. You could narrow your search for the ideal match online and stop wasting.
12. “Had a quick look at the members, I don’t see anyone that takes my fancy”
Truth Serum:
Don't give up before you start - a quick glance through is not enough to find that someone you hope to spend lots of your life with. Put in the effort and look through thoroughly, I guarantee you will find fantastic potential partners. Like most things in life, the rewards reflect the efforts put in!
13. “My best mate give it a go and got no success.”
Truth Serum:
Does your friend look, talk, write, move like you? We are all unique, your friend may not have suited the sites they were using, or didn't spend enough time, or didn't know how to do effective online dating techniques. By reading his website you are already one step further to success.
14. “I don’t have anything interesting or funny to talk about in my profile. “
Truth Serum:
The pressure of expectations - most people feel the same initially but the facts are that they are in the same boat. Don’t feel pressure here, just keep it real with an honest description of you and your likes / dislikes / experiences. Your real personality will shine through, and when someone does contact you in future to meet up, you know they are attracted to the real you, not some made up superman, equals no disappointing surprises.