Top 60 First Date Tips for Men

How NOT to lose a woman in 10 seconds…
1. Do leave enough time to get ready.
2. Don’t allow time for the nerves to set in.
3. Do create a pre-date playlist.
4. Don’t get drunk the night before.
5. Do meet up with a friend beforehand to settle your nerves.
6. Do not say: “Flippin eat that like a Ganet”
7. Do not buy her flowers, she will look like a Muppet carrying them around all night.
8. Don’t do the expensive restaurant meal, she may feel bad about over ordering
9. Don’t go to the loudest restaurant in town, its had to shout with a mouth full of food unless you want to add some colour to her spray tan.
10. Do not tell a girl that she should grow her hair any longer than it is.
11. Don’t talk about cars and football. Unless she brings it up.
12. Don’t talk about yourself continuously. She will get bored.
13. Do not order a drink and then tell her she can have one if she wants.
14. Don’t fetch her in your top down cabriolet in the middle of winter, not good for hair or goose pimples!
15. Don’t drive like your constantly on the Indy 500 - unless you can really handle the car - it shouts “warning show off lunatic without a clue”.
16. Do not stoop to road rage...women like calm in control men.
17. Do not open the car door for her.
18. Do not make the girl drive.
19. Don’t be too dogmatic in your opinions. This shouts arrogance.
20. Do not tell her to “just relax” when she gives the signals she wants to go home.
21. Don’t stare at the other woman who just walked through the door. Duh!
22. Do not flirt with other women.
23. Do not ask her where her hot roommate is.
24. Don’t go on about the hot porn women you were watching last night.
25. Don’t make references to any other hot women, even if they are.
26. Don’t assume that just because a girl says another girl is pretty that she is a lesbian.
27. Don’t pry into her personal life. This is not the time to ask about her ex.
28. Do not have your assistant call to confirm your date.
29. Do not tell her that nothing will stop you from watching the big game.
30. Do not harp on about you don’t see why she has to buy so many clothes.
31. Do not look at your date and blurt out; “What are you all dolled up for?”
32. Do not run through the bill picking out what she had, you had and who owes for the coffee!
33. Don’t infer you are a “loose cannon” - converse to what you think it lowers your street cred.
34. Don’t moan about parking charges.
35. Don’t show off to impress her. She’ll think you’re sad.
36. Don’t arrange to meet up, then turn up late, she wont be impressed waiting in a bar on her own.
37. Do not call on Saturday at 6pm to ask to go on a date that evening - she will need to look her best, give her notice.
38. Don’t leave the choice of restaurant to her - take the lead and be assertive.
39. Do not do stupid imitations, talk in stupid or child like voices.
40. Do not light a cigarette and assume it doesn't bother her - ask first.
41. Don’t say “you can trust me”, be more subtle and get her trust through actions.
42. Don’t touch her face on the first date - its an invasion of her social space.
43. Do not talk 1mm away from her face.
44. Do not boast about your extra large winky, it wont impress, more likely to frighten her off!
45. Don’t wear cheap or dirty shoes, shoes mean a lot to women.
46. Do not dress with white shoes on your date...even if you have just been selling ice cream!
47. Don’t exaggerate or lie about anything. It will catch up with you.
48. Don’t dress like a Liquorice Allsort, dress for the occasion - no shorts for the theatre!
49. Do not put cologne on your boxers.
50. Don’t gawk at her breasts continually.
51. Don’t make inappropriate jokes. Leave your dark sense of humor at home.
52. Don’t order her meal for her.
53. Don’t be over confident or cocky.
54. Do not eat with your mouth open / spraying food.
55. Do not yawn openly while she's talking.
56. Do not touch her knee within the first five minutes of the date.
57. Do not greet her with a full kiss on the lips - respect her social zone.
58. Do not knock a bottle of wine over her brand new outfit while tipsy.
59. Don’t reveal you dark side.
60. Don’t winge or moan about things in general...its a major turn off